The first 10 out of 10 for Film Review Club!

Inception is a film directed by Christopher Nolan following Cobb a thief who specialises in using dream sharing technology to extract secret information from his victims subconscious. Desperate to return to his family he commits to a high stakes job, where him and his team must plant an idea into the mind of a billionaire CEO. 

CAST & THE ACTING (10/10) 

This cast is full of huge names and acting talent, including; Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard, Elliott Page and Michael Caine. This is as good as your going to get in terms of casting and they do not disappoint. DiCaprio delivers his usual high standard performance, showing an emotionally traumatised man trying to escape the guilt he carries from his wife’s suicide. The rest of the cast deliver very strong performances and I feel like this perfect 10 score is completely justified.


The plot in my opinion is what makes the film, its complexity gets the audience asking questions, questioning what’s reality and what’s not. It’s the sort of film that gets you thinking, which is how it is so gripping and captures your attention from start to finish. It also makes such a wild concept seem so believable where it almost makes complete sense. I think the plot, although it’s complex, is easy to understand as a whole but it’s the small details that Nolan includes that creates the confusion for the audience and I mean that in the best possible way. So again I think a 10 out of 10 is deserved here.


I think the cinematography and special effects were perfectly utilised in this film, everything looked so realistic even in the dream sequences which added to that confusion and ultimately set up the cliffhanger at the end of the film. Some examples would have to be the start of the film where DiCaprio’s Cobb is introducing Elliot Pages character to the dream world, sitting outside the cafe when everything starts exploding. The spectacular imagery that was created by the special effects was so good at emphasising the dream world they were in. The camera work was also very good, especially in scenes such as the fight scene towards the end of the film where Joseph Gordon Levitt is fighting on the walls and the ceiling. It just made the scenes so fun to watch!

OVERALL (10/10)

As you can see by the score, this is one of my favourite films of all time and could actually be my favourite standalone film. My other favourite films like Harry Potter or the Marvel collection are all great but all those films are interlinked and use each-other to create such good storylines. Whereas Inception develops such a good plot, which has such a good impact on audiences, all within one two and a half hour long film! It’s the perfect combination of action, science fiction, thriller and adventure, meanwhile always keeping viewers engaged and asking questions. I can understand why this is argued to be the best film of that decade! I fully recommend this film to anyone.

I hope you enjoyed that one!



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