REVIEW #210 The Outfit (2022)
Leonard is a London tailer who runs a shop, making suits in Chicago. Serving all kinds of customers, even the dangerous kind, finally leaves him in a tight spot where he must outsmart criminals in order to survive the night.
The Outfit includes a really talented cast and an incredibly intimate setting, all filmed within the constraints of Leonard’s tailer shop. It’s filled with some unexpected twists but it also has its fair share or predictable turns that you can see coming from a mile off. I loved the chemistry between all of the cast, Dylan O’Brien, Mark Rylance, Johnny Flynn and Zoe Deutch, in particular had some really interesting scenes where they bounced off of each other well. The cinematography was slightly limited by the fact it was all set in one shop but nonetheless there were still some nice shots that worked well with the dim lighting spread across the set. In terms of the plot, it was actually quite gripping, despite its predictable nature. You could tell that the innocent tailor wasn’t as naive as he led the other characters to believe but it was very clever how the entire story played out in the end. Unfortunately I do think it’s quite a forgettable film but for the time being I enjoyed it and it kept my attention the whole way through, but this was during a long plane journey so I guess that’s not too difficult to do! Definitely give it a go if you have the chance, it’s worth the watch at least.
Overall (7/10)
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