REVIEW #302 Titans (Season 4)

Titans is a gritty take on the Teen Titans franchise, following a young group of heroes led by Dick Grayson, AKA Nightwing and former Robin as they travel across the country dealing with all kinds of DC supervillains. 

Season four was definitely the Titans most ambitious season yet, incorporating plenty of magic empowered villains and a ton of scenes requiring some pretty large scale visual effects. For a show with a pretty small and respectable budget, they pulled it off well too. The cinematography outside of those effects were actually really good, an aspect of the show that’s incredibly underrated for sure. But the characters are what makes this series work; the family bond, the impressive character development and season four finally shows Dick Grayson as a complete leader. Previously he’s had his flaws but they seemed to have been ironed out and Nightwing really hit his stride. Unfortunately I did expect a little more from the lead antagonist Brother Blood, I absolutely love Joseph Morgan and I was expecting great things… however the writing was a little underwhelming for the character. The constant bounce between good and evil meant that he could never really hit his stride right until the last episode and by that point it was over in a flash and to be honest, it was a little anticlimactic. I’d also have to admit that I wasn’t a fan of Beast Boys ‘The Red’ storyline, it just didn’t interest me at all and was rather distracting from the central plot. 

Despite those criticisms, it’s still a really solid season of TV with the finale giving the group a nice send off amongst the abundance of changes happening over at DC and Warner bros right now. I’d love to see these characters reunite for another season but after the cancellation I can’t see them changing their minds. Nonetheless I’d have to recommend this show to anyone who is a fan of the genre, I love their gritty take on the characters and they’re not afraid to go against the grain with some of DC’s favourite heroes. It’s different and they didn’t just make changes for the sake of it, they back it up with captivating storylines. Yes the CGI can be a little shaky at times but for a smaller budget show, it’s more than acceptable, especially considering how the major blockbusters are having just as bad effects too. All four seasons are currently streaming on Netflix, so if you’re looking for a fun yet dark show, this one’s for you.

Season 4: (7/10)

Entire show as a whole: (8/10)

Thanks for reading.



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