REVIEW #318 Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Halloweentown resident, Jack Skellington, stumbles across Christmas town and is instantly enchanted. But love soon turns to obsession as Santa is abducted and brought back to the land of all things scary.

Nightmare Before Christmas is an iconic instalment into the Halloween movie must watch list but unfortunately I felt like it didn’t hold up too well upon a rewatch as an adult. The animation style is unique and its trade mark Tim Burton but the story falls a little short and the entire thing is a little too weird for my liking. It’s certainly nightmare inducing, who said you need R rated horror to haunt your dreams when you have these freaky designs plaguing the screen! The songs are catchy I’ll give it that, plenty to fill your Halloween playlists but it’s still not enough to redeem a decent rating from me.

Overall (4.5/10)

Thanks for reading.



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