REVIEW #429 Sonic 3 (2023)
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Synopsis Sonic, Knuckles and Tails reunite when they are called to save the earth from a new and powerful threat, Shadow. My Review I’ll start by simply stating that Sonic 3 had no right looking this good, the cinematography was fantastic, creating an array of beautiful shots that lit up the cinema screen. The third film in the franchise keeps the same charm and humour but elevates the stakes and the action, to create an entertaining family film for people of all ages to enjoy. It’s great to see Jim Carrey enjoying himself, this time with two characters and he looks like he’s having fun every time he’s on screen. As a kid, I would have absolutely loved this type of movie and Shadow was my favourite of all Sonic characters in the games, so seeing him in all of his glory here, was a strong dose of nostalgia and I can’t wait to see which direction they head in next and which new characters pop up along the way. My Rating: 7.5 out of 10 Thanks for reading. Film Review ...