REVIEW #275 Luther: The Fallen Sun
A serial killer terrorises london as disgraced detective Luther sits behind bars. Cursed by his failure to capture the killer, Luther orchestrates a plan to escape and end the killing spree.
Luther: The Fallen Sun was such a highly anticipated movie for me, the show was absolutely brilliant, a dark and gritty detective story. However it looks like the movie got caught up in the Idris Elba bond castings a little too much as it felt less like a detective story and more like a feeble attempt at a James Bond film. It actually started really well, the first act was incredibly strong with shocking murders and what seemed like a really freaky antagonist played by Andy Serkis. However as the film progressed it lost its way, trying to be too many things at once! It was no longer a detective story and that meant it lost all of the things that made the show so great! One thing that really bugged me was apparently an escaped felon could suddenly travel the globe with ease in the pursuit of this killer? It just didn’t make sense! I want some realism please or at least a proper explanation about how it was even possible! Unfortunately, not even the well orchestrated cinematography could save it! It’s a real shame.
Overall (6/10)
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