REVIEW #345 Late Night With The Devil (2024)

In 1977 a late night television show goes horribly wrong, unleashing evil into the nations living room.

Late Night With The Devil is such a refreshing take on the horror genre, with brilliant cinematography that perfected that 1970’s aesthetic. Led by the talented David Dastmalchian, the movie follows the late night show ‘Night Owls’ on their Halloween special as they desperately try to win the ratings battle. It switches between footage from the live show and then behind the scenes footage from the intervals, alternating between colour and black and white which I really enjoyed. Creatively, it was probably one of the best horrors I’ve seen in a while because I’ve never really seen it done like that, with so many plot points converging into one live show! It’s far from scary, I don’t necessarily think that was their approach but the ending plays a psychological twist on the audience, leaving them to guess what just happened and it truly left me puzzled. Definitely worth catching if you can!

Overall (8.5/10)
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