REVIEW #373 Fallout (Season 1)

Centuries after nuclear bombs make earth inhabitable, one vault dweller leaves for the surface in a quest to get her dad back from raiders. 

Fallout tackles the post apocalyptic genre in a fun yet highly captivating way, mixing humour, drama and conspiracy to hook audiences into its story. I haven't played the games but from a purely neutral standpoint, it seems like a pretty successful adaptation and one that has the legs to produce many more seasons! The visual effects are executed really nicely, with an equally impressive make-up and costume team too. The design for Walton Goggins ‘The Ghoul’ was impeccable. I will say that not all of the eight episodes had a steady pace and some were a little too slow at times. It also took me a while to really invest in any of the characters. Maximus especially, he was just useless at everything and the character just seemed to irritate me, which was unfortunate considering just how much screen time he had. But once the conspiracy elements kicked in about half way through, I was officially hooked and it raised the show to new heights, with the final climax being incredibly satisfying. Meanwhile, setting up season two perfectly. A really strong opening season on all counts.

Overall (8/10)

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